
Explanation Video

Download Link

First click Here, then click Download next to Microsoft Windows Outlook Plug-In in the ‘Calendar’ section.  Click Run and follow the prompts to install. Once installed, close and reopen Outlook.  You’ll see the new BlueJeans section in your ribbon. Click Schedule à Schedule Meeting.  You’ll have to log in for the first time with the following credentials:

User: bachmant
Password: 154Santa

Once logged in (you need only do this once) and schedule a meeting, you can invite participants like you normally would… with one extra step.   So that we don’t overbook BlueJeans, you have to choose a “Room”.

  1. Click Rooms on the right side of the invite.

  1. Double click BlueJeans and select OK
  2. Click ‘Scheduling Assistant’ to see if/when BlueJeans is available
  3. Select your date and time
  4. Invite your participants
  5. Hit Send
  6. If you get a pop up asking you “Do you want to update the location to “BlueJeans”?, select No so that it doesn’t override the meeting ID
  7. Hit Send (again)